Saturday, April 30, 2011

Virtual War -- in Your Data Center and How to deal with users demand for Virtual Server permissions?

By Jack Flash

Virtual Server makes IT Professional's lives easier in many ways.

You can save time you had to invest in the past, dealing with hardware purchase and set up, as well as getting the updated drivers.

But now as IT Professionals can set up Virtual PCs and Virtual Servers do easily, so can users do.

Now they demand to get "Administrator" permissions over their Virtual PC, Virtual Server (ESX Server) and sometimes this gets even to Data Center wide permissions.

They may not understand why they cannot simply use a virtual machine template without reading a quick manual on how to adjust it, before deploying on the network, or why you still want to limit permissions for some type of operations.

The "War" you had in the past with users who were installing Windows or Linux or whatever other Operating System, got to the Virtual Data Center.

Except the ramifications could be painfully and real...

I believe that a right approach to resolving this conflict should be based on education. IT Professionals should educate users ("users" could be developers as well) in the issues that surround managing a Virtual PC or a Virtual Server.

The emphasis should be put on such facts:

1. A virtual machine will still need patches and security applied.

2. The applications running in a virtual server can still cause issues that take the same time to troubleshoot as they had in the past on a real hardware.

3. Make sure you have detailed information about the nature and how to use instructions for each VM and template.

4. Give higher level permissions to people whom you instructed after they understand the nature of the environment they work in.

5. Keep a log of who did what.

6. Provide the maximum permissions possible provided they do not pose a risk. The more candid grant of permissions you grant, the more time you have at hand to do a more productive and valuable work.

Anything else? What would you add to this list and discussion regarding Virtual PC and Virtual Server

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