Friday, November 28, 2008

PSP Software - Updates and Releases

When Atari debuted in the 80's, it was a revolutionary gaming system. People were amazed at the games and controllers. Pong was an instant favorite, but when Nintendo debuted it completely eclipsed Atari's graphics and gaming potential. Then Sony debuted the Playstation and history was made. Gone were the laughable graphics of its predecessors and instead 16-bit graphics ruled the technology world. PSP software was an extension of the PSP system and changed how portable hand-held gaming systems worked.

One of the many things that set Sony Playstation Portable above other handheld gaming consoles is the software. Unlike conventional handhelds, such as the Gameboy, the PSP system is capable of updating itself and acquiring new software codes and security measures through its Wi-Fi connection. This connection is the very same as those found in laptops and even cellular phones.

If one thing could be said about Sony and their game playstation, it would be that they take their security measures seriously. PSP software updates are constantly released to make the system run safer and far smoother. The downloads take place through a USB cable connected between the PSP system and your computer. The downloads update the security software and allow for smoother loading times.

The amount of software updates is nothing compared to the added security and functions brought to the game. Take for example the most recent updates released by Sony. In 2007 alone there have been at least eleven updates that ranged from security measures to adding enhanced customization to the Playstation Portable, original version, and the new PSP Slim & Lite. There is now an enhanced bit-rate for gaming, as well as features to make watching videos much easier. Sony has also taken into consideration the need to make support simpler for their users by issuing a software update in October 2007.

Sony has to keep an eye out on its chief competitors Nintendo and Microsoft. So far there is not any news on whether or not a portable Xbox system will be debuted or even developed. Sony is not taking any chances. They want to continuously tweak the PSP software so that the security and gaming features are top of the line. Already the Sony Playstation Portable PSP system can play movies and music but before long it will be able to do much more.

Playstation 3 is a hot sensation in the gaming community. It allows for gaming on a totally new level. It also has the ability to play movies. So no more excuses on not having a player for your movies. Playstation actually focused on the challenges of top end gaming and are directly challenging with the xbox 360 by making available an excellent game system that can provide great entertainment for many hours. One of the best things about the Playstation 3 is you don't have to track down the information for the Playstation 3. You can find some right here:

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